This page highlights ways in which the diversity and social aspects of gender can be more fully considered in health research and reporting. The aim is to contribute to gender-sensitive and intersectionality-informed public health.
Mena E, Bolte G, on behalf of the ADVANCE GENDER Study Group. Intersectionality-based quantitative health research and sex/gender sensitivity: a scoping review. Int J Equity Health. 2019;18(1):199.
Mena E, Bolte G, on behalf of the ADVANCE GENDER Study Group. CART-analysis embedded in social theory: A case study comparing quantitative data analysis strategies for intersectionality-based public health monitoring within and beyond the binaries. SSM Popul Health. 2021;13:100722.
Mena E, Bolte G, on behalf of the ADVANCE GENDER Study Group. Classification tree analysis for an intersectionality-informed identification of population groups with non-daily vegetable intake. BMC Public Health. 2021;21(1):2007.
Mena E, Bolte G, on behalf of the ADVANCE GENDER Study Group. Intersectionality-Based Quantitative Health Research and Sex/Gender Sensitivity: A Scoping Review, in: Morrow, Marina; Hankivsky, Olena; Varcoe, Colleen (Ed.), Women’s Health in Canada: Challenges of Intersectionality. Reprint, Toronto: University of Toronto Press. 2022. p. 254 – 272.
Merz S, Jaehn P, Mena E, Pöge K, Strasser S, Saß A-C, Rommel A, Bolte G, Holmberg C. Intersectionality and eco-social theory: a review of potentials for public health knowledge and social justice. Critical Public Health. 2021:1-10.
Jaehn P, Mena E, Merz S, Hoffmann R, Gosswald A, Rommel A, Holmberg C, on behalf of the ADVANCE GENDER Study Group. Non-response in a national health survey in Germany: An intersectionality-informed multilevel analysis of individual heterogeneity and discriminatory accuracy. PLoS One. 2020;15(8):e0237349.
Jaehn P, Rehling J, Klawunn R, Merz S, Holmberg C, on behalf of the ADVANCE GENDER Study Group. Practice of reporting social characteristics when describing representativeness of epidemiological cohort studies – A rationale for an intersectional perspective. SSM - Population Health. 2020;11:100617.
Pöge K, Rommel A, Mena E, Holmberg C, Sass AC, Bolte G. AdvanceGender-Joint project for sex/gender-sensitive and intersectional research and health reporting. Bundesgesundheitsblatt Gesundheitsforschung Gesundheitsschutz. 2019;62(1):102-7.
Pöge K, Strasser SM, Saß A-C, Rommel A. Civil society stakeholders’ participation in national health reporting on sex/gender issues: a study protocol for an intersectionality-informed and sex/gender-sensitive approach to focus group research. BMJ Open. 2020;10(1):e033412.
Merz S, Holmberg C et al., on behalf of the AdvanceGender Study Group. Investigating people’s attitudes towards participating in longitudinal health research: an intersectionality-informed perspective. International Journal for Equity im Health. (2023) 22:23.
Rommel A et al. Geschlecht und Gesundheit in der Gesundheitsberichterstattung des Bundes. Konzepte und neue Herausforderungen. Public Health Forum. 2019; 27(2): 98–102.
Pöge K, Holmberg C et al. AdvanceGender – Verbundprojekt für eine geschlechtersensible und intersektionale Forschung und Gesundheitsberichterstattung. Bundesgesundheitsblatt. 2019 · 62:102–107.